Please join us in prayer – asking the Lord to stir the hearts of His people in Central Oregon to respond to the greatest need Central Oregon public school children have. Children need peace, hope and security; this and more can be found in Jesus Christ. The Lord has kept the door open to reach children with His love! The need is for Christians who are willing to go through those doors with the Good News. Statistics indicate that 8 out of 10 children will never hear of Jesus Christ unless we first go to them; they will not attend our churches or Sunday Schools. What an opportunity to reach the children and connect them (and their families) with a Bible teaching Church! Child Evangelism Fellowship has strong Biblical curriculum, we provide training for all volunteers and make the connections for you. Join us in this remarkable mission outreach opportunity!
Good News Clubs are held throughout Central Oregon September through April/May. However there are locations where volunteers are needed before we can reach out to the children with the love of Jesus Christ. Please pray for volunteers or contact us if you are interested in becoming involved in reaching this ripe mission field right in your neighborhood!